Using a fresh pipet, add one drop of serum or plasma onto a circle on the test card. Repeat by adding a drop of REACTIVE, WEAK REACTIVE, or NONREACTIVE CONTROL from the dropper vials.
Using the flat end of the stirrer pipet, spread the sample over the entire area of the test circle.
Attach the needle to the dropping bottle. Mix the Carbon Antigen. Dispense several drops into the dropping bottle cap to ensure a clear needle passage.
Dispense one drop of the antigen suspension onto each sample. DO NOT RESTIR the sample and the antigen. Aspirate any antigen from the bottle cap.
Place the card on an automatic rotator and cover for 8 minutes. When complete, physically rotate/tilt the test card 3-4 times until particles are fully dispersed.
Immediately read results macroscopically in the “wet” state under a high intensity light source.
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